Salam wbt and Dobry Den,
Hey guys! Saje nak tulis e-mail nih...rase terpanggil..heheh :) bace la yeh... :D
Hi... I'm bell ...vice pres of CzeMSA...a normal student.... :) I'm now in the 5th year, half-way through summer semester Alhamdulillah and one and a half year more to graduation. Woo-hoo! And...just a thought... I think kan, if I had the chance to go back in time, I would do it! Because... there so much, seriously, so much that I now see in 5th year, that would totally totally help me enjoy my 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th years more!
Ni yg nak cerite nie...
Kepade 1st years..., enjoylah your anatomy and histology and biophysics and Czech and Latin and biology!
Sekarang kan, kat 5th year kan, bila masuk OT and tengok surgery, baru sedar betapa pentingnya tahu arterial supply of uterus and ovary. Ha. Tau tak ape supply nye? :) In surgery, you really need to know your blood circulations. You can't simply guess and cut and clamp any artery you see nearby the organ. Imagine clamping the internal iliac artery instead of the uterine artery in doing hysterectomy. Dalam pembedahan uterus, kalau kita cut off blood supply kepada kaki instead of the uterus, what will happen? You will lose your leg. No, your patient's leg! Ischemia terus satu kaki! Pastu, necrosis, kaki tak dapat oksigen, mati. Aa! Horror horror. Pastu, bile study oncology, cthnya cancer of the testis, kenapa metastasis die to the paraaortic lymph nodes bukan ke inguinal nodes? Sebab drainage die lain sebab asal die lain. Testis asalnya bukan di area inguinal tapi atas lagi. Sebab ingat tak, testis kan descend during the end stage of gestation. Ha, kan tuh embryology yang dah belajar dalam histology tuh.. :) Pastu, lagi...sekarang ni, kitorang belajar Radiology. Jadi, maksudnya tengok dan perlu tafsir X-rays, MRI, CT, Ultrasound. Ha, apa yang perlu kita beritahu patient sebelum ke MRI? Dia kena tanggalkan any mettalic items on the body kan? Cthnya, ear-rings dan gelang. Kalau ada pacemaker kat jantung pulak, memang tak boleh masuk mesin MRI tuh. Ha, this is biophysics. And, bila nak tafsir all those images, kena pakai anatomy. Kalau anatomy tak mantap, memang susahlah. Kena revise balik.
Ha, banyak kan gunanya 1st year subjects nih. :) Memang banyak... Tapi!
It's really fun! Dan exciting! :) Bila kita dah nampak applications semua knowledge kita nih, rase sangat berbaloi usaha-usaha dulu. Usaha-usaha di 1st year dulu.
Tapi, ada jugak rase rugi, sebab dulu terlalu banyak menstresskan diri. Stress tuh membuatkn study jadi burden, jadi macam kerja instead of minat. Jadi tension instead of seronok. It becomes a chore instead of a passion. Kan? Ade sape kat sini rase cmtu tak? :) Jangan risau, anda tidak keseorangan...heheh. :)
Nasihat saye kepada anda...enjoy lah 1st year anda! Seriously, anda tak akan dapat peluang lagi utk ber1st year, tak akan dapat peluang lagi untuk belek-belek muscles satu-per-satu dengan suka hati. Inilah masanya. Gunakan ia. Manfaatkan ia. Tengok2 dan belek2 lah tulang-tulang dan structures2 tuh selalu. Enjoy your histology too. And biology. Banyak guna utk differentiate neoplastic cell or not. And enjoy your Latin and Czech. And the most important thing is, don't stress out, but enjoy the ride! Have fun studying, and you will have fun exam-ing and examining (patients in your later years) !
Kepada 2nd years..., enjoy your physiology and biochemistry guys. I know it's a lot, but biochemistry is must. How else would you understand what markers to look at in the blood if the patient liver failure. Or if he has bile stasis. Or hemolytic anemia. Semua penyakit tuh and more, memerlukan kefahaman asas biochemistry. Dan physiology, masyaAllah, banyak sangat kot application dia in clinical years. Physiology tuh adalah asas tentang bagaimana suatu sistem tuh berfungsi. Bagi saye, 2nd year saye kat Hradec, agak byk mase lapang. Gunalah mase nih utk explore other worlds ourside of textbooks. Baca journals about diseases and medicine in M'sia...follow-up about nuclear radiation kat Japan right now with the Tsunami...learn more about your sikit ke.. Manfaatkan masa dan peluang yang diberi.
And to 3rd years..., pathophysiology and pathology, physical examination in internal med. dah start applying 1st year and 2nd year subjects kan? :) :) Saye rase time 3rd yera ni lah saye dah ade rase2 cm doktor sket. :P :) Enjoy the ride! Berseronoklah testing2 diri sendiri. Take blood, buat glucose tolerance test, exercise, check mata, belajar percussion, belajar dgr jantung, belajar palpate liver, belajar ambik history, sembang dengan patients, tengok record patients, etc. Takpe kalo tak faham ape yg patient cakap. Laju sgt Czech die kan. Takpe, there's room to improve. Train yourself insyaAllah. And practise! Just go for it, again and again. And ape yg tak faham, make sure tanya tuh. Don't be shy...
4th year and 5th year..oh's a been a ride right? A whirlwind... byk stress2 sebelum ni, tp dah mula dah start realising that medicine is not about stressing. Yes, there's a lot of workload, tapi, saya rase...saye baru sedar la...yang stress2 ni tak gune dan honestly, take up your energy and take your time. Medicine is actually exciting and fun. And you get to make a person happy. Make them better. Give them hope. And the prospects are huge. Pergi tak MCD hari tuh? The prospects are HUGE!!! Boleh buat banyak benda dengan ilmu dan skills kita nih! Sekarang ni, belajar Forensic, ENT, Ophthal, O & G, Peads, byk lagi. Best best! Die byk variety. Seronok. Setiap minggu bende lain. Then, ade integration of things you've learned. First you take history, so you put your Czech and history taking skills into practise, then, physical examination - percuss, dgr jantung, etc, then, discuss differential diagnosis - bincang penyakit-penyakit apa yang possible utk simptom2 yang dijumpai (mcm House gitu :) ) pastuh tgk X-ray, tgk blood sample result - red cell count, white cell count, reticulocyte count, band (immature neutrophil) count, hemoglobin level, then tgk biochemistry - c-reactive protein level, AST, ALT level, etc. Best! Byk dh apply insyaAllah.
Sorry for this very long e-mail. But, in the end, my point is...., Enjoy your studies! Especially 1st years and 2nd years.
I know your guys are stressing out. I know, penat study2 nih. Tapi, don't worry too much. Just do it!
Saye cerita semue yang berlaku di upper years nih untuk memberi motivasi kepada korang. There's a purpose for learning all those muscle insertions and branches of whatever arteries. They're worth it! Believe me.
You go girls! and guys!
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